Why We’re Here?


To Help Our Youth Stay In The Game

Economic Status Means Many Kids Can’t Play

The fact is, there are very talented athletic young people who will never have an opportunity to showcase their talent and carve out a brighter future for themselves, because they simply can’t afford to participate in a sport

Sporting Experiences Improve Cognitive Skills

Research shows that access to high quality sports helps children develop and improve cognitive skills that they can leverage academically, as well as when they enter the workplace later in life.

Boosting Confidence & Addressing Mental Wellness

Playing sports help youth learn how to communicate and coordinate with others, cope with failure, rejection, and even successes. It also promotes self-esteem, goal setting, and leadership skills.

We Embrace Our Future


When We Embrace Our Youth

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower youth and communities through sports by ensuring that every child has access to high-quality sports equipment and play opportunities. We strive to level the playing field and create a positive impact on the lives of young individuals, promoting physical fitness, teamwork, and personal growth.

Our Vision

Our vision is to build an inclusive environment where every young person has the chance to engage in sports activities regardless of their financial background. We envision a world where access to sports is not limited by economic constraints, and all children can experience the joy and benefits of participating in sports

Our Values

U“nity Sports Access is built on the core values of inclusivity, empowerment, community, and equality in sports, driving our mission to create a level playing field for every child.”

Help Us On Our Journey To Make High Quality Sports AvailableFor Underserved & At Risk Youth

The Numbers Don’t Lie

The National Institutes of Health found that leisure-time physical activity is associated with reducing the risk of 13 different types of cancer

A 2012 study found that physical activity can positively affect attitudes and in-classroom academic behavior

High school athletes are less likely to smoke cigarettes or suffer from loneliness and low self-esteem


– Moore SC, Lee I, Weiderpass E, et al. Association of Leisure-Time Physical Activity With Risk of 26 Types of Cancer in 1.44 Million Adults. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(6):816–825. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.1548